
NOTICE: These terms do not apply to volunteers, who are governed by a different set of terms. See Volunteer Terms & Conditions and Terms & Conditions for Vehicle Use.

The ElectRaeid Team ("we, us, our") are committed to making our website and products ("the services") accessible to as many people as possible. These terms describe how we and our services interact with you. BY USING OUR SERVICES, YOU AUTOMATICALLY ACCEPT THESE TERMS. We own all of our services, including the intellectual property rights, unless otherwise indicated. 

WEBSITE: The use of our website is at your own risk. Click here to read our privacy policy. This website is not designed to be viewed by any person aged 13 or under, or any person outside of the State of Virginia.

STORE: We provide goods to consumers, and use any profits gained to donate to ElectRaeid. All sales are final, and no returns will be accepted except in the case of a malfunctioning or damaged product. ElectRaeid does not offer any warranty on any of its products, except to the extent prohibited by law. You must use these products as advertised, and at your own risk.

These terms may change over time. Customers and donors who have contact information on file will be notified in advance.